Thursday 18 June 2009

The Chances of Anything Coming from Mars

Last night I went to see the War of the Worlds show at the Trent FM Arena here in Nottingham. Wow! If this ever on anywhere near you go and see it. A true multi media experience - CGI, full size model work, cinema, holograms, pyrotechnics and live performance. The band and orchestra were superb - with Jeff Wayne conducting - driving the whole thing forward by effort of will and personal charisma. A brilliant ensemble cast, yet surely special mention must be made of Justin Hayward. His rendition of 'Forever Autumn' was a tour de force. The only possible criticism might be that they need to build in more time between numbers for audience applause. It also seems incredible that a show as technically complex as this is being moved around the country performing one night stands. I suspect they could've filled the arena for a couple more nights.


  1. I'm confused, is this a theatrical rendition of War of The Worlds?

  2. Yes it is a stage show - and a pretty amazing one. I'll post some You Tube links to video from it later. Do you know the 'concept album' that this show is derived from?
